We interrupt our regularly on-topic conversation for something a little less so. Though, really, anything is fair game on Kotaku. But in this post, the game is even fairer! Join us, won't you, for some random chatter.
As exciting as today is, I'm not yet ready to believe that Beavis & Butthead is making a comeback, despite loosely sourced reports to the contrary. I think I'll just take comfort in the good things that I know are true, like that I'm going to EVO in Las Vegas tomorrow with the rest of the Meat Bun crew to enjoy some of that 100 degree weather and watch people who are really good at fighting games be really good at fighting games.
Also, these things are happening.
- Burn victim from London's 7/7 attacks "remarkable healing" - Lookin' good.
- Hey, it's the universe - Lookin' good.
- Jesus appears in Portguese Playboy (NSFW) - Playboy HQ is none too pleased.
- Surprisingly, raising kids not all fun and games - Really need to schedule that vasectomy.