A buddy is writing a book and enlisted me and a bunch of other friends in a quest to find the perfect title for it.…
It is! Well, it's Chris Evans, playing The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, but that's not really important…
Welcome back to the workweek, Kotaku readers. I know. Bummer. But we're back from Comic-Con, better rested and in…
You? How about you? I am. Owen Good is. But if you're going to Comic-Con and haven't chimed in, tonight's open…
Welcome back to the week, Kotaku readers. Can we get you some off topic conversation? Excellent! Then just sit right…
Greetings, Kotaku readers. Got time to join us in another off-topic thread? Good. Maybe we can talk about movies,…
Hello, Kotaku readers. Time for another open thread, where you can chat about video games, vent about Netflix's new…
Kotaku readers, after a day of video game news and discussion, let's insert a little combo breaker, tonight's open…
Kotaku readers, we're calling it. This workweek is over. As we head into the weekend, why don't you relax with some…
Hello there, Kotaku readers. It's perfectly safe to enter the waters of tonight's open thread. The non-video game…
Happy Wednesday, folks. Today's been a good day, at least in terms of things that have shipped to my house. We'll…
Welcome back, Kotaku readers. Did you have a good/festive/drunken 4th of July? Or was it just another day to you, as…
Kotaku readers, we leave you this Friday with an open thread for your enjoyment. You're steering the ship tonight,…
Kotaku readers of the night, please talk amongst yourselves in this, our sleepier, more casual open thread of the…
Kotaku readers, we're halfway there. This week is almost over! And don't forget, if you're a red-blooded American,…
Oi! It's been a long day, Kotaku readers. One that won't even end with a drop of sweet, sweet booze to calm my…
Kotaku! It's getting hot out there, so let's stay cool with another open thread, our nightly refuge against the heat…
Kotaku readers, here we are at the hump of this workweek. Let's get over it with some stimulating off topic but…
Good evening and good Tuesday, Kotaku readers. Tonight's open thread is of a themed variety, in which I might ask…
Good evening, Kotaku readers. Is it really Monday already? (*sound of heavy sighing*) Good news! We got an open…