You? How about you? I am. Owen Good is. But if you're going to Comic-Con and haven't chimed in, tonight's open thread might be a good place to do it.
Of course, if you're not going to San Diego for this 'Con this year, you can talk about whatever you would like. That's why we have these open threads. And knowing the way things go when we're on assignment, I may not actually get to the semi-nightly open thread. Maybe an intern will. Maybe Talk Amongst Yourselves will have to suffice. I don't know!
Hmm. What were we talking about?
- Spike Jonze's new Beastie Boys video for "Don't Play No Game That I Can't Win" - They're not dolls, they're action figures.
- Captain Planet live action movie in the works - For Cartoon Network!
- There's no fighting at a Foo Fighters concert - Dave Grohl doesn't tolerate any roughhousing.
- Japan's Twin Peaks coffee ads - I will miss receiving another dose of Japanese advertising this year.
- Apple has its best quarter ever - $7.31 billion in profit. Another day, another huge regret that I don't own Apple stock.