Hello there, Kotaku readers. It's perfectly safe to enter the waters of tonight's open thread. The non-video game related discussion is just fine, so dive in for some stimulating conversation and maybe a link or two.
We're slowly building our San Diego Comic-Con schedule here, kicking off a month of travel for yours truly. Somehow I need to find the time to take some time. But Comic-Con should be fun and I greatly look forward to returning to San Diego for one of the best cons of the year. Anyone going?
Please, talk amongst yourselves or enjoy some of these internet distractions.
- What Twitter asked President Obama - Versus what White House journalists asked him about.
- YouTube testing new "Cosmic Panda" layout - Watch Nyancat in slick new ways.
- Two hours of Steven Spielberg, JJ Abrams and James Cameron just rappin' - From the DGA.
- One US presidential candidate argues for the legalization of marijuana - Godspeed, Gary Johnson.
- The Comic-Con schedule starts to fill out - Well, my Thursday, July 21 is planned!