As we fade into the darkness at Kotaku, we're reminded that it's about to get darker than ever, thanks to tonight's…
Let's put this week far, far behind us and never speak of it again. Instead, let's talk about all things not video…
Hey, Kotaku. You wanna have an open thread? Might want to grab some Purell before coming into this one. It's got…
Hola amigos, I know it's been a long time since I rapped at ya, but things have been pretty crazy at Kotaku Towers…
Believe me, after this week, I've done so much thinking about gifts I could make the case I'm exempt from buying…
Welcome back to weekdays, Kotaku readers. Let's christen this work week with our nightly open thread, which is…
You know what you call the tube in the middle of the toilet paper roll? The doot-de-doo. Because, when you're on the…
A day ago a really good friend of mine quit her job of the past five years - for perfectly good reasons, too. Not in…
Kind Kotaku readers, won't you come into this post and talk about the off-topic things we like to discuss when…
What's that, you say? Only Tuesday?! *grumble grumble* Let's make this week pass by faster with a little off-topic…
What a bummer of a way to start the week. Maybe we can take consolation in chit-chat about happy things, not…
Did you successfully manage to avoid being trampled today by the Black Friday shopping masses? Are you nowhere near…
Who's ready to gorge themselves on conversation? If you've got a buffet of things to say that aren't just video game…
What say we spend our evening (or whatever time it is in your neck of the woods) sharing in the joys of off-topic…
Kotaku goers, would you please help us get through this short-staffed Monday with a little contribution of your own?…
Wait, is it really Friday already? Huzzah! Let's kill this work week with a little off-topic conversation. We'll…
Kotaku readers, please use this open thread post to talk amongst yourselves, to stimulate each other in conversation…
Ladies and gentlemen, we are floating in space, waiting to engage you in off-topic conversation. Would you like to…
Hey, Kotaku. You want to engage in a little off-topic conversation to close out the night? Sadly, I won't be joining…
Use this nightly thread to talk amongst yourselves, please, where the conversation runs from Spider-Man to alien…