Hey, Kotaku. You want to engage in a little off-topic conversation to close out the night? Sadly, I won't be joining you. I'm calling in sick.
I've been feverish and achy all day—and not just from strenuous sessions with PlayStation Move game The Fight: Lights Out—and it's time for me to check out. I'm going to go play some Donkey Kong Country Returns. Would you guys mind keeping an eye on this post? Thanks!
- Guillermo Del Toro And David Eick To Create New 'Hulk' TV Series For ABC And Marvel - Pan's Labyrinth director and Battlestar Galactica exec producer to kick ass on Marvel's TV plans.
- 9Eyes - A collection of awesome and occasionally NSFW Google Maps street view photos.
- FDA close to banning alcoholic energy drinks? - Four Loko makers say they're dropping caffeine from their drink.
- The Green Lantern trailer is here - I don't know. This looks silly.
- MTV's Teen Wolf is kind of a drag - Too bad about Twilight.