After nearly a year on hiatus, the goofnuts at Retro Sabotage have churned out another flash-game defacement. This…
The creator of the haunting, stylish and far easier Don't Look Back has released the fantastic, fun and frustrating…
Put together by Conor O'Kane, who also did the excellent Harpooned, BTG!'s premise is simple. If a game "crosses the…
A mash-up of Super Mario Bros. and Tetris should—or at least could—be the best video game of all time, given how…
Mrs. Claus has been abducted, and Santa's out to deck the walls with gingerbread men and nutcracker guts. It's a…
Don't think of Every Day The Same Dream as much as a game (though it is), but as an interesting, potentially…
Dutch game designer Kenney Vleugels realizes how prosaic life can be sometimes. Not that a flash game about watching…
Little doors and fun-sized prizes aren't just for the kitchen wall. The Indie Games Advent Calendar reveals a new…
Seriously. Fire this up. It's a game of Pong, only, it uses browser windows. Clever, and surprisingly playable, all…
Create, share, and play custom-made levels of a Dark Void-like flash game, with Capcom's Jetpack Attack.
Denmark's Children Exposed to Violence at Home is a group dedicated towards the prevention of domestic violence.…
The great thing about working weekends is I can blast gas with impunity in the Kotaku Tower elevator, and then on…
PETA returns to its Mario-parody Super Chick Sisters with the New Super Chick Sisters, switching gears from…
Tipster BulletProof found this Tetrisesque block puzzle with an entrancing soundtrack and passes it along. But more…
Yesterday we explored the crossover between balloons in the news and video games. Today, certifying the saga of Ballo…
Been a while since we've done these. Here's GrowBox, courtesy of The object is to pick up all of the gold…
Have you ever wanted to smash your Spore creations flat? EA's newly-released Spore Creature Creator 2D saves you…
Time Donkey launched today. It's from the guys behind Velociraptor Safari, Jetpack Brontosaurus and Minotaur China…
Flash platformer Canabalt may be simple in concept, but what it lacks in gameplay variety, it more than makes up for…
This flash-game parody of JRPGs perfectly nails every device, trope, conceit and theme of the genre. Hang in there -…