Tipster BulletProof found this Tetrisesque block puzzle with an entrancing soundtrack and passes it along. But more curiously, "Bloktonik" seems to be in development for WiiWare (and for mobile), with a release date TBA.
I found Bloktonik to be pretty tough the first half-a-dozen times I played - on the easy setting. Different color blocks fall to the center of the playing grid from four directions; your job is to stack them so that four or more of the same color touch. When that happens, they clear off.
The key here is keeping in mind the four different gravity directions as you preview the next block. It filled up my RAM pretty fast. But it does deliver a moderately addicting challenge. And as I said, I dug the soundtrack - for as much as I heard of it before losing anyway. Then I just started up a game and pressed pause while I wrote this.
Jason Cirillo, of Bloktonik's studio Robotube Games, said the WiiWare version is "in the very early stages at this point.
"We're talking to a very influential company with a lot of WiiWare experience about publishing the game, and we are eyeing a release for next year. I'm dying to give more details on the release, but the suits would beat me unmerciful if I did since we're still hashing out the plan. I will say that the WiiWare version will be a more refined, feature-packed title than its Flash counterpart.
Cirillo said a version of the game for iPhone is "about 70 percent done."
Bloktonik [Site]