While it might not actually be Swine Flu: The Video Game, a flash game created by Dutch researches aims to raise…
William David, a former designer for Ubisoft, felt he should finally take the plunge and strike out on his own. This…
May want to get familiar with this level, because in This Is The Only Level this is the only level you'll ever play.…
Celebrating the release of Street Fighter IV for the PC, Capcom and GameTap parent Metaboli have teamed up to…
Who likes history? We do! Channel 4 has followed up its own 1066 historical drama with a flash game — a flash game…
If you can't wait until next week and the demo just isn't giving you enough inFamous, perhaps the official inFamous…
Nigoro are surely the masters of the browser flash game. Rose & Camellia, Mekuri Master, Death Village, everything…
Daniel Benmergui, creator of the impressive Flash-based game I Wish I Were The Moon, has released the equally…
Faith Fighter was great, but some people complained, and now, it is gone. But that's OK. Because no sooner is Faith…
Turns out you can get video games removed from the internet. All you need to do is offend the sensibilities of three…
Game developers - they always have to make a game out of everything, including quitting their job as a game…
Last year, the Italian team of artists, designers and programmers known as Molleindustria released Faith Fighter, a…
Scarygirl is a game that...well, it's hard to describe. It's an adventure game, it's a puzzle game, it's a…
RCTiger has been kicking around for a while now, but cost money, so we ignored it. Now, though, it's free. And we do…
I haven't done one of these in a while. So I'll make amends with Adult Swim's "Ultimate Vending Machine Challenge",…
Quick history lesson! Tim Schafer is making Brutal Legend. He also did Psychonauts. And, before that, Monkey Island.…
Maximum Risky is equal opportunity — as long as it's risky, it's fair game. We've already posted posted Resident…
Physics games are like National Geographic maps. I could stare at them for hours and feel like I learned something…
If you're suffering the consequences of the current economic shitstorm, you'll have plenty of time to play Layoff,…
Some wit cooked up a HD-version of Tetris - I can't even begin to count the grid here - which makes dying or…