With fans eagerly awaiting the retro Sonic 4, Sega pulls back the curtain on Sonic Colors, a brand new adventure for…
Luc Bernard, the man behind the pretty yet flawed Eternity's Child and the well-received Advance Wars clone Mecho…
I'm not sure what's more disturbing; the fact that Majesco's Babysitting Mama has you stuffing your Wii remote into…
Sega's blogs are buzzing with the news that Phantasy Star Portable 2 is heading to North America this fall, with…
PixelJunk Shooter will be the first title in Q-Games' series of PlayStation Network games to get a proper sequel,…
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment confirms that the adjective-laden follow-up to 5TH Cell's million-selling…
It might not be the City of Heroes meets the X-Men we were hoping for, but kids should get a kick out of playing as…
Nintendo can't seem to escape the reach of piracy, especially now that one of game industry legend and this week's…
Creepy little physic girl Alma is back, and she's bringing the kids with her in F.E.A.R. 3, with a new developer…
Help the newly-regenerated Eleventh Doctor, his gorgeous companion Amy Pond, and the Eleventh Doctor's hair in…
After ages of testing and re-testing, Beatnik Games finally unleashes on Steam and other fine downloadable PC game…
In case your favorite fantasy football team didn't make it into the initial PC release of Cyanide Studio's…
TopWare Interactive snagged the IP and trademark rights to 2003 PC and Xbox action RPG Enclave, with plans to…
After teasing us with leaks and more leaks, CD Projekt RED and Atari finally pull back the curtain on The Witcher…
There's a new Wipeout game coming to the Nintendo Wii and DS this summer, but don't get too excited - it's not what…
Warner Bros. Interactive has tapped the team behind Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance and Champions of Norrath to create…
A Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 release without an active star is no longer a going concern, with the golfer's return to…
After months of testing that may have seemed like playing a launched game to the uninitiated, Perfect World's Ether…
Denver teen, and Kotaku reader, Elijah Taylor opened his own video game store this week in Denver.
This weekend the GAME ON! This Spring We're All Fun and Games event kicked off at Chicago's Navy Pier.