Peter Molyneux's Fable 2 publicity storm continues, complete with Molynexisms. Today's is about Fable 2 being so…
Gather around everyone! It's Peter Molyneux talking time. Oh boy, do we ever love Peter Molyneux talking time. In…
The characters of Fable 2 are meant to be a reflection of the person playing them, to a point. The choices you make…
During my interview yesterday Lionhead Studio's Sam Van Tilburgh was pretty mum about the gold-churning glitch that…
Fable 2's pub games was the first cross-over Xbox Live title that let you earn something for a retail game by…
Fable 2 is days, if not hours from going gold, Lionhead Studio's Sam Van Tilburgh told me today. "We have one or…
The Fable II Pub Games are dropping this week on Xbox Live, a series of gambling games that will allow you to make…
At Microsoft's E3 2008 press conference Peter Molyneux announced that Fable II would be released in October, but…
Lionshead head Peter Molyneux is best know for Populous and Black & White. And while he and his team are hard at…
Getting a proper impression of a game like Fable II, one that spans the lives of multiple generations, is almost…
Admission: I liked Fable 1. Being a longtime Molyneux fan, I knew to filter out the bullshit, and just enjoy it for…
Being a high-profile, first-party Microsoft title, you already knew this was coming. Gotsta make the most of that…
One of Fable 2's villains will be "one of the most evil people in video game history," Lionhead creative director…
Do you want to be in pictures? How about portraits? Lionhead is looking for photo submissions for Fable 2 Art…
Lionhead's Peter Molyneux is well known for adding a bit of flair to descriptions of his in-development titles, but…
The always charming Peter Molyneux took some time during yesterday's Xbox 360 Spring Showcase to walk folks through…
Direct from the Xbox 360 Spring Showcase, some footage of Lionhead's Fable 2 in action, as experienced by Crecente.…
Microsoft is showing off their biggest titles at the Microsoft Game Studios showcase event in San Francisco today,…
If you're hankering for a hunk of Fable 2 news, you will want to carve out some internet time for yourself next…