Dust 514, the first-person shooter spinoff from PC MMO EVE Online, is free-to-play. Sort of.
After a little, let's say, negative publicity of late, EVE Online developers CCP have released this trailer as a…
Last week the universal community of EVE Online exploded into rage over the release of high-priced virtual goods…
In an interesting footnote to last week's highly emotional and controversial EVE Online clothing release, the game's…
Whether planned retirement (or, more likely, hounded into disbanding), Lulzsec, the unlovable clowns behind hack…
I don't pretend to understand the culture of EVE Online, but when a fiasco gets a Downfall-meme video, that's a kind…
It's been over five years since Horse Armor, and still, developers and publishers are struggling with how much to…
According to their Twitter updates, LulzSec has launched DDoS attacks—either on purpose or as a side effect of a…
DUST 514, the FPS console counterpart to CCP's sci-fi MMO EVE Online, is due for a big announcement at E3 2011 if thi…
Last month in Reykjavik, Iceland, two employees of EVE Online developer CCP seat each other mentally and…
My favourite video game rap song of all time is "The Video Game Song" by Sole and Alias. It's getting a little…
The dynamic duo of Sveinn Jóhannesson Kjarval and Hinrik Haraldsson return with "Keep Clickin", the follow-up to…
Eve Online is a game made famous by many things: Its passionate followers, its epic space wars, its impact on the…
For all its political intrigue and gorgeous player models, EVE Online is still, like all other MMOs, a little…
Kotaku commenter Jezuz feels that games set in outer space have become too cold and sterile. He shares his idea on…
Chessboxing is an activity that combines the physical demands of boxing with the mental discipline of chess.…
EVE Online recently introduced an amazing new character customization tool that has the game's players seeing…
You know how EVE Online has an amazing new character creation utility? The cutting-edge technology doesn't end…
Seven years on, massively multiplayer online space drama EVE Online is still going strong. Over the course of the…
Have you ever created a character in your own (or somebody else's) likeness in a game? Oblivion, perhaps? Or FIFA?…