Dust 514, the first-person shooter spinoff from PC MMO EVE Online, is free-to-play. Sort of.
It's been revealed that the PS3 game won't actually be free to download, as players will have to stump up a "cover charge" of $10-20 (the final price hasn't been decided) just to get access to the game, which will then be "refunded" to the player in the form of in-game credits.
Um. If you have to pay money to download a game, it's not free-to-play. Doesn't matter how it's framed. It's $10-20 to play. Not really sure why it couldn't have been advertised as such in the first place!
The "good" news to come of this is that CCP's Hilmar Veigar Pétursson says "We might go fully free-to-play down the line, but in the beginning we have a cover charge just to manage the initial launch of it."
Typical free-to-play games are free to download and try out, and are then supported when players purchase in-game items or perks.
UPDATE - Seems this was announced back at E3 and lost amongst the maelstrom. Sorry for being so mean!
DUST 514 requires "cover charge" from PS3 players [GI.biz, reg required]