Epic Games' beefed up Xbox 360 shooter series may be adding a little motion control to its Locust-chainsawing…
The new trailer for Bulletstorm features a man yelling, in frustration, the phrase "Son of a dick!" [NSFW language…
Unlike the package of bullet-riddled rotten meat sent to my house earlier this year, this jug of Bulletstorm Orange…
This launch trailer gives you a good look at Infinity Blade, the role-playing game for iPhone 4 (and iPad and iPod…
Joking that women "love two things in life, queso dip and true crime," Epic Games' Cliff Bleszinski told a podcast…
The iPhone is getting its first game from the people who make Gears of War and the developer of Shadow Complex this…
Adrian Chmielarz, creative director at Bulletstorm and Painkiller developer People Can Fly, weighs in on iPhone…
The main female character in macho first-person shooter Bulletstorm will have somewhat realistic proportions, thanks…
Which actions in video games deserve points? Walking? Looking? Kicking a man off a ledge? Early 2011 first-person…
On October 6, Gears of War composer Kevin Riepl tweeted that he thought someone "roofied" him while out drinking.…
New weapons, new maps, new characters. Gears of War 3 has them all.
Gears of War 3 is getting a public beta early next year, Epic Games revealed at an event this week at their studio.
Though he hasn't got his hands on the system himself, Epic's Mark Rein reckons he knows what's under the hood of…
It looks like Epic's Cliff Bleszinski was more than just three days off when he told Jimmy Fallon on national TV…
Playing Bulletstorm for the first time, I felt less like playing another me-too first-person shooter and more like a…
MMO title All Points Bulletin failed, and took its developer with it. So why on Earth would a company as successful…
You can count on Gears of War fans when it comes to buying virtual goods in the name of doing good. Want proof?…
If you missed yesterday's Apple event, you may have also missed Gears of War and Unreal Engine developer Epic…
The creators of the Unreal Engine and the games that run on it have brought their tech to the iPhone. Epic Games is…
Gears of War and Unreal Tournament creators Epic Games will bring competitive multiplayer sword-based combat,…