In game after game, there they are: guns. Weapons are a common trope. They are a catalyst for action and an…
Remember the on-stage Bulletstorm demo we described while liveblogging EA's Gamescom 2010 press conference? It's…
Gears of War: Anvil Gate, the third book in the Gears of War novel series, will tell the story of what happened…
As you watch this live gameplay demo from Germany today of next year's Bulletstorm first-person shoter from Epic…
Now that lady COGs are joining the fight in Gears of War 3, it's time to put a proper pink paint job on those…
That's right, the Gears of War movie is going back to the drawing board. The game's designer, Cliff Bleszinski,…
Can fans take the Gears of War teaser formula and make it better? You know the formula, right? Grim, in-game…
Science Fiction series love killing off the hopeless new guy: Star Trek has its red shirts and Gears of War has its…
Just before this year's E3, the people who make Bulletstorm—EA, Epic Games and People Can Fly—sent us a big wad of…
What questions burn within the big brain of Gears of War designer Cliff "Clifford" Bleszinski? "Does the huge dude…
Still not sure what to play this weekend? Epic might make it easier on you, making Gears of War 2 multiplayer into…
Confused by the over-the-top combat of frantic gameplay of Bulletstorm? Let the dulcet tones of Epic Games' design…
Maybe you know someone who's just a little too cray-cray for Gears of War. If not, now you do. Meet iSekC, who's…
Tucked away in the dimly lit back room of a defunct subterranean power plant in downtown Los Angeles, music…
Gotta give the Gears of War series credit. We're three games in, and designer Cliff Bleszinski still believes in…
10 of the best, from tiny indies to Japanese juggernauts
Fancy sports car. Spotted at a Target. North Carolina plates that read "GRSOFWAR". Gears of War is developed in…
Bask in the glory of Gears of War 3's new offerings: bushier beards, prettier hair (we mean Anya Stroud, of course),…
Changes are coming to Epic Games' Gears of War 2, showing that the title hasn't been at all forgotten about now that…
Epic, and its series of Unreal Tournament games, used to be known as a PC-centric developer. These days, consoles…