Exploding red barrels are a video game cliché. The people making the video game Bulletstorm wanted exploding barrels…
I don't know how you should feel about seeing Epic Games president Mike Capps in the shower. I'm still trying to…
In the video game war against video game cannibals, as depicted in next month's Bulletstorm, extreme measures are…
If your sensibilities can tolerate the incineration and impaling of pus-oozing space zombies, but not the profligate…
Next year's Gears of War 3 will (somehow) reward players of Shadow Complex, Unreal Tournament 3 and other already…
Bulletstorm developers People Can Fly get into the Christmas spirit with a lovingly decorated tree adorned with…
We were prepared for tomorrow's free update to iPhone/iPad/iTouch hit Infinity Blade. New armor, new helmets, new…
I'm a big fan of swordplay iPhone and iPad game Infinity Blade, but despite the hours I've spent playing the game I…
As seen on my doorstep this afternoon. More lame jokes need not apply.
Gears of War designer Cliff Bleszinski once made video games about green rabbits fighting turtles, a series known as…
Please Bulletstorm, make sure whatever shows up in my mailbox this time can't rot.
In 2008, Shadow Complex developers Chair revealed they were working on an Ender's Game title. People got upset. It's…
I'm a big fan of Infinity Blade's amazing graphics and interesting take on iPhone gaming. So it's great to hear…
Infinity Blade on the iPhone looks damn good. And as of Thursday, anyone will be able to make a game for the iPhone,…
Microsoft's expected but unexpected reveal of new Gears of War gameplay at tonight's Spike TV Video Game Awards has b…
Gaming on the iPhone has now perhaps its greatest champion, a sword and magic fighter created by the team behind…
Shooting a gun. An experience loved by some, hated by others. During development of Bulletstorm we went to a…
Shadow Complex creator Chair Entertainment brings its Unreal Engine powered action game Infinity Blade (formerly…
Gears of War fans will want to tune into next month's Spike TV Video Game Awards, when something new, something…