Blank achievement pages at may have outed some of Microsoft's big game announcements before the press…
Why settle for 8-bit or 16-bit retro gameplay when you can run the whole gamut from 4 to 128 in Bplus' newly…
Covering E3 2009 became a little bit more difficult for me on Friday, when half of my face suddenly stopped…
Over the weekend, Sony "leaked" the PSP Go and a couple game announcements onto the latest eits own videomag Qore.…
Later today, Microsoft is kicking off its E3 press conference at 10:30am PDT. No, make that 10:25am. The reason: "A…
While it might not be the wisest marketing choice, associating your hotel with an asylum for the criminally insane,…
E3 is back. Back as a big show. And nothing says big like this Assassin's Creed 2 poster, which is by far the…
Final warning! Kotaku's pre-E3 party is happening tonight. So come out, have a drink with us, enjoy the company of…
For those too young to attend E3 - which is to say, damn near all of us - B-Miggs and Agent B have cooked up their…
Tekken 6 has not suffered from any shortage of trailers lately. Here's another one anyway, the cut for E3 2009. It…
I'm not sure if we're exactly supposed to be here, but we are, and we're armed with cameras. So here are you first…
All 84 bands in Guitar Hero 5 are up on the Guitar Hero 5 web site. Some magazine in Britain pretended it had gotten…
Can you feel it? E3 is almost upon us. I can certainly feel it, as I just touched down in LA after a surprisingly…
Yesterday we got dropped that image of a Bungie forums search menu, which tipped something called "Halo: Reach."…
In just a couple of days, E3 will reveal just about every major game you will be able to play in the next year. For…

That's a whole lot of zombies you got there, 7,000 to be precise. Too bad it won't be shown at E3 this year.
Nintendo will release Wii Fit Plus, recently trademarked in Japan, and a new Mario game later this year, both for…

Square Enix had decided to jump on the pre-E3 game announcement bandwagon, making live their site for their…
The new PSP Go, leaked just before E3 thanks to the June issue of Sony's own Qore, is tiny little thing. Bigger than…