Upcoming shooter Dust 514 won't just be the first PS3 game to link to an MMO on the PC. It'll also be the first to…
Dust 514's the latest video game in a long line to try to re-envision armed conflict in a sci-fi future. So far,…
There are so many things I love about Eve Online, but almost all of it can be traced back to the game's mystique. I…
In most combat games, you get into a vehicle and you ride/drive it—often, it'll have weapons for you to fire,…
In CCP's DUST 514 for the PlayStation 3, battles are initiated by corporations in the PC-based space MMO EVE Online.…
Dust 514, the first-person shooter spinoff from PC MMO EVE Online, is free-to-play. Sort of.
Dust 514, CCP's first-person shooter spinoff from its EVE Online MMO, will (as expected) be a PS3 exclusive. And…
DUST 514, the FPS console counterpart to CCP's sci-fi MMO EVE Online, is due for a big announcement at E3 2011 if thi…
For all its political intrigue and gorgeous player models, EVE Online is still, like all other MMOs, a little…
Dust 514, the shooter spinoff of popular MMO EVE Online, certainly looks great, but how does it play? Turns out it…
It's not just pretty to the eyes. Listening to this with headphones on, there's some great sound this - although I…
Bummed that you couldn't make it to Reykjavik Iceland for this year's EVE Fanfest? EVE TV has you covered,…
Hilmar Pétursson drew a familiar analogy - EVE Online players are the air force; DUST 514 players are the (wait for…
CCP have today taken the wraps off Dust 514, a "hybrid MMO/FPS" that not only brings the world of EVE Online to…