.html?type=mov No, it's not what you think! While we're not the biggest fans of Capcom's decision to port Dead…
Keiji Inafune, creator of Mega Man and Dead Rising, enjoys playing video games with his son. His son enjoys kicking…
Um. Okay. Yeah. New Dead Rising Chop 'Til You Drop screens show just how the game makes good use of the Nintendo…
In an interview in the upcoming issue of Famitsu, Capcom exec Keiji Inafune mentioned new Dead Rising and Lost Planet
In the latest Bionic Commando podcast, there's a list of rejected Dead Rising Xbox 360 titles — plus a response why…
That's the Isabella in the original Xbox 360 version of Dead Rising — the one we know and love. The Isabella in the…
Dead Rising Wii has more costumes. But what kind of costumes? The latest issue of Famitsu has pictures revealing two…
From images we've seen, Dead Rising for the Wii looks light in the brain-eating zombie department. But that doesn't…
Dead Rising Wii was at TGS. Was almost the worst thing there. Truly awful. Yet at the same time, it was almost the be…
A judge has dismissed the court case against Capcom by The MKR Group, which claimed that mall-based Zombie satire Dea…
Ten killed? Are there even ten zombies in this entire game? A new batch of Dead Rising Wii has been released,…
I just spent some time playing Dead Rising on the Wii. Waiting in line, I was treated to one of the game's new…
Jury's still out on Dead Rising Wii. Capcom's heart is in the right place, but you take away the hordes of zombies…
No, not the Wii version. The next proper version, the one that may or may not be in development at Blue Castle Games.…
For years now, Capcom have been focused on increasing their presence in the West. Western-focused games,…
Even though graphically Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop for the Wii won't be up to par with it's 2 year old Xbox…
So, Capcom's bringing Dead Rising to the Wii. There's been some concern about how the company will bring what was…
Here's the way Capcom works: multi-platform. The company really doesn't seem to play favorites, and it tries to get…
We know, Dead Rising on Wii looks different, but it's going to play different too. It's got waggle! And not just any…
Famitsu have uploaded a set of new screenshots for Dead Rising: Chop Til You Drop for the Wii. Here's what you…