This year will mark the 15th anniversary of the legendary 2004 Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike matchup between Daigo…
Daigo Umehara has built a legacy on fearless calls, and he added one more to his story at Stunfest in Rennes, France…
The future of Street Fighter depends on its newcomers, many of whom come up as children that simply play fighting…
Daigo “The Beast” Umehara is a legendary Street Fighter player, but even legends need to eat, which is why the pro…
It’s been almost a year since Daigo “The Beast” Umehara has won a premier level SFV tournament. That changed earlier…
Daigo Umehara is arguably the best fighting game player of all time, so his relatively poor performance with Street…
In times of trouble, some players turn to a coach or fellow pro, possibly even to a higher power. This Street…
Tonight, eight Street Fighter V pros will face off in the Eleague play-offs and finals, which you can watch on TBS…
Last weekend’s Battle Arena Melbourne Street Fighter V tournament was grueling for the high-level Street Fighter V…
Sounds like Daigo Umehara thinks Street Fighter V needs an arcade release in Japan. Event Hubs reported he wondered if the game will still be played next year. Umehara added that the lack of an arcade release was a problem for Japanese gamers.
Daigo Umehara is getting his own piece of fancy merch later in the year, when statue company Kinetiquettes releases…
After placing second at the Capcom Cup this year, Street Fighter superstar Daigo Umehara is donating his winnings ($60,000) to NYU’s Evo scholarship fund. Nice dude.
Daigo Umehara did not win the 2015 Capcom Cup. That’s okay. He did won the hearts of fighting game fans once again…
Over the weekend, pro gamers Daigo Umehara and GamerBee put Street Fighter 5 through its paces. According to…
A seminal moment in the history of competitive gaming is the Evo 2004 match between Daigo Umehara and Justin Wong.…
Evo Moment 37 happened a decade ago. That means we're all older and, hopefully, wiser. The Daigo Parry hasn't aged…
It's been ten years since the greatest comeback in competitive video games happened. In the decade since Daigo…
Daigo Umehara is a Street Fighter titan. He's one of the best, if not the best, ever to play the game. And he…
They call one of them The Beast. The other goes by Skillian. Together, they represent the collective passion that…
You've seen it. You know it. You love it. The Daigo Umehara versus Justin Wong Street Fighter III: Third Match is…