Daigo Umehara is a Street Fighter titan. He's one of the best, if not the best, ever to play the game. And he doesn't have a video game console in his house.
Recently, a Japanese morning show spent the day with Daigo, visiting him in his house, and going into his room.
This is Daigo's room. He wakes up at 11am after spending late nights playing online.
Interesting factoid: Daigo doesn't have a game console at his house. The reason? Because he'd end up playing it all the time, which isn't healthy. "When I turned pro," Daigo says, "I ended up not having a game console at home."
So... How does he game at night? Does that mean Daigo just lives in local arcades? Does he go to friends' houses all the time? How does he practice?
Well... it seems Daigo has a separate apartment that he uses to house his consoles and cabinets. After hitting the gym, he heads over to his practice stable and plays from 6pm to around midnight, so he can catch the last train home.
While practicing, he records his gameplay, which he goes back and watches again.
Daigo has natural skill, but it's this extra effort in his training stable that ensures one thing: He'll kick your ass.
ウメハラ特集がフジテレビで放送、これが日本人プロゲーマーの現実だ!! [へちま速報]
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