Dream C Club from D3 Publisher is a hostess game that lets players get drunk in-game and watch dancing girls. Here…
Dream C Club from D3 Publisher is a hostess game that lets players get drunk in-game and watch dancing girls. Here…
Only one robotic child stands between Metro City and the evil President Stone's robot army in Astro Boy: The Video…
D3 Publisher is releasing Dream C Club, a hostess drinking game we've covered before. D3 Publisher is releasing…
We're not quite sure why the Xbox 360 has become the lonely Japanese otaku voyeur's console of choice, but…
The Xbox Live Arcade version of Puzzle Quest: Galactrix sees the light of day next week, with the PlayStation…
As hinted at earlier, Alchemist role-playing series Atelier is making the leap to the PS3. The latest entry, Atelier…
Last month, Namco Bandai announced plans to turn Puzzle Quest and Oneechanbara publisher D3Publisher into a…
Dream C Club, the Xbox 360 game that lets players booze with Japanese hostesses, has launched its official website.…
Infinite Interactive takes its innovative mix of role-playing and puzzle games to the stars with Puzzle Quest:…
Japanese game company D3 has released more screens of its booze-with-night-club-hostesses game Dream C Club. The…
It's not so much the visuals in the Galactrix launch trailer that get to me, as they seem to have taken their own…
Following up on last week's exploration of the various factions in the upcoming puzzle role-playing game Galactrix,…
Next week we'll be able to choose between three different flavors of Puzzle Quest: Galactrix, with the game hitting …
First Square Enix announces its bid for Eidos, and now Namco Bandai reveals its intentions to purchase Japanese…
PC Puzzle Quest fans who'd rather have a disc on hand for the upcoming space-aged sequel, Puzzle Quest Galactrix,…
D3publisher takes the award-winning combination of roleplaying game and gem-based puzzler and brings it to the…
D3’s Dorks, Dealers and Double-Ds event made much of Galactrix, even if they did designate it as the “dork” portion…
Man, if only NASA were really like Puzzle Quest – I’d so have signed up for space camp.
Half the appeal of the Onechanbara hack-‘n'-slash games on PS2 was the price. With that gone, all you've got is the…
There's a couple viral Onechanbara vids doing the internet rounds, and they're, well, pretty much what you'd expect:…