Cops in Sammamish, Wash. are super pissed after being sent to a home here by a 911 call claiming someone inside had…
Earlier this year, pin-up Minako Komukai was on the run from Johnny Law. She stood accused of purchasing drugs from…
Doug Foster, who has been the Police Chief of Umatilla, Florida for the past 19 years, has been suspended for ten…
In early August, as riots raged through north London, the Sony Enfield distribution center burned. Three million…
Nico Nico Douga is one of Japan's most popular video sites. Users broadcast livefeeds of everything from gaming…
On August 28, in the Japanese city of Takasaki in Gunma Prefecture, 32-year-old Tsutomu Takabayashi was arrested for…
Nintendo is offering 3DS owners the chance to get the 39th President's cat, an offer made all the more macabre…
Shinsuke Shimada, one of Japan's most famous comedians, retired from the entertainment industry this week after…
17-year-old Bobby Lee Huffman of Hickory, North Carolina, called the police to his home on Monday after he…
GameStop tells that they have been removing the codes for free copies of the OnLive PC version of Deus…
Last night, one of the biggest celebrities in Japan, Shinsuke Shimada, abruptly stated he was leaving the…
In 1999, a thirty-one year-old voice actress under the name Suzuka Yuna voice one of the lead characters in…
Malaysian student Ashraf Haziq made world headlines last week when he was the victim of not one but two sickening…
A Swiss police association is calling for a ban on The Darkness II because the game includes moments of police…
Jeff Fletcher, an IT guy from Halo creators Bungie, pulled into the parking lot of a US Bank branch in Skyway,…
Aaron Biber, 89, stand with his hands out, eyes downcast, looking at what remains of the barber shop he's run for…
What has spurned hundreds to take to the streets of London to riot, burn and loot? According to the London Evening…
In what is believed to be the world's first-ever arrest in connection with circumventing a video game console's…
Love hurts. Sometimes video games can hurt more. In 2009 a UK woman, Erin Slingsby, 20, had a heated argument with…