The sequel to Scribblenauts, last year's quirky, creative hit for the DS, is in our hands and we're playing it for…

The "more" from that headline refers the hyper-active vikings, powerful cheetahs and tiny dragons alluded to in…
If you're going to play like Maxwell, you might as well look like Maxwell, with a pair of attractive plush…
What innumerable whimsical scenarios can Scribblenauts players generate like some sort of god in the sequel? How…
Nouns can solve problems in Super Scribblenauts, as you can can see in the first two solutions to this challenge…
Inspired by the never-discouraged mailman, the true professional permits no act of nature, chance or evil to…
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment confirms that the adjective-laden follow-up to 5TH Cell's million-selling…
We already know that the DS sequel to 2009 hit Scribblenauts will not be called Scribblenauts 2. A now-dead link on…
Beating Zelda and Grand Theft Auto, Jeremiah Slaczka's 5th Cell won top handheld and innovation honors at the Game…
A sequel for last year's breakout DS hit Scribblenauts graces the cover of the latest Nintendo power, promising a…
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment proudly announces today that 5th Cell's word-based wonder, Scribblenauts,…
Jeremiah Slaczka, the visionary behind Scribblenauts and other creative Nintendo DS games from studio 5th Cell is…
As noted yesterday, Jeremiah Slaczka, lead designer of 2009 DS surprise Scribblenauts will guest-host tomorrow's…
The very creative creative director behind Scribblenauts and the Drawn to Life is hanging with our own Stephen…
Where many video games have you hone your reaction time and eye-hand coordination to excel, a mastery of spelling…
Though it didn't make an appearance in the NPD Group's top ten bestselling games in the U.S. for September, 5th Cell'…
Having sufficiently conquered the handheld platform with clever games like Drawn To Life and Scribblenauts,…
Scribblenauts is People's Exhibit No. 1 for giving a game a great name. It's a unique word, hinting strongly at the…
What is it? Who knows? That's why the verb "tease" was used in the headline. "Get your rooster hats ready! We have a…