Hey Kotaku readers it's almost E3 time! I'm super busy preparing for E3 right now and it's madness over at the…
Hey Kotaku readers, I'm back at it again this month. Apparently things went well enough last month that Kotaku…
We did it once, and it worked out well. So we're doing it again: Ask a video game developer anything (preferably…

When game developer Jeremiah Slaczka isn't answering your questions right here on Kotaku, he's making a…
Hey, Kotaku readers! Welcome to my very first column. I'm now officially a game journalist as well as a game…
Starting next week, game developer Jeremiah Slaczka will answer your questions here on Kotaku.
Hybrid, the third-person online shooter set to release on Xbox Live Arcade this year, will have a public beta with…

After making a big splash during its first showing at the 2011 Game Developers Conference, 5th Cell's dizzying…

The iPhone iteration of 5th Cell's magical word puzzle game gains voice control on the 4S, integrating Siri's…
The fantastic image you see above is courtesy of someone named crzisme over at Reddit, and is an actual in-game…
Currently, we know Scribblenauts Remix is a new domain registered by Warner Bros. (and spotted by "superannuation"),…
Hybrid, the cover-focused Xbox Live Arcade shooter from the creators of Scribblenauts that made a splash at GDC…
5th Cell's inventive puzzle-platformer Scribblenauts will be coming to vinyl toy and plushie form later this year,…

The next great innovation in shooting video game bad guys is focused not on our virtual guns, but on our virtual…
The people who made the Scribblenauts and Drawn To Life are getting a little closer to explaining how their next…

If you know a little something about which people make which video games, the trailer for a game called Hybrid…
5th Cell, the team behind Scribblenauts, plan to unveil their next game a week from today on Spike TV at 1 a.m. PDT.…