Launching today on Steam from Scribblenauts and Lock’s Quest creators 5TH Cell, Castlehold is a free-to-play…
The next Scribblenauts is a party game, coming March 6 to PS4, Xbox One, and Switch. It’ll come with a four-player Showdown mode with a board-game-style map and a two-player Versus mode where you can battle in various mini-games.
Back in 2009, a little game called Scribblenauts blew minds across the world with a single ambitious concept: you…
The Gameological Society had a simple idea: take the creatures, beasts and people from Scribblenauts and pit them…
I have a lot of action figures. Every once in awhile I like to pull them down from their shelves or out of their…
The new Scribblenauts is out, so grab your dictionary and go on some wacky adventures with your fave DC heroes, or make some insane superheroes of your own with the game's editor—the PC community already seems to be having lots of fun with that. Above's the launch trailer, and here you can find our impressions.
Here's exactly how my short play session with the upcoming Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure went at the…
There will be Supermen. Yep, in the plural.
Imagine a video game that includes 33 Batmans (Batmen?), 130 Green Lanterns and even Aztek The Ultimate Man. Imagine…
People howled when word spread that the creators of Nyan Cat and Keyboard Cat were suing Scribb…
Oh man. The guy who created Keyboard Cat (Charles Schmidt) and the guy who created Nyan Cat (Christopher Orlando…
We live in divisive times. The public discourse is rife with bickering and malice, and yet there is at least one…
The Scribblenauts games are for people who like using their imagination, but what if using one's imagination didn't…
As your best guesses and Photoshop efforts had already worked out, the upcoming Scribblenauts Unlimited will feature…
This image for the 3DS/WiiU-exclusive Scribblenauts Unlimited was teased by GameStop today. Who are they graying out?
When Jeremiah Slaczka isn't answering your questions here on Kotaku, he's running 5TH Cell, the game development…
Scribblenauts will be coming to the Wii U in HD, giving players an insight into Maxwell's story. Players can use…
The App Store's rotten with platformers. Everywhere you turn, there's some developer revisiting his or her…
The iPhone iteration of 5th Cell's magical word puzzle game gains voice control on the 4S, integrating Siri's…
The fantastic image you see above is courtesy of someone named crzisme over at Reddit, and is an actual in-game…