When is a Scribblenauts story not about Scribblenauts? When it's about the other ambitious game development studio 5t…
Your vocabulary is your power in Scribblenauts, 5th Cell's innovative new puzzle game for the Nintendo DS in which…
Nintendo DS title Scribblenauts has players solve puzzles by writing words. The game has a database of tens of…
Riding on the back of a Tyrannosaurus Rex into a crowd of robot zombies: It's a pretty powerful image, one that taps…
Over the weekend, a hacker seemed to prove that there are exactly 22,802 words in Scribblenauts. Not true, the…
UK Scribblenauts buyers won't have to fuss with our quaint colonial terms, with developer 5th Cell going out of…
Fortunately, 5th Cell creative director Jeremiah Slackza is here to do the hard sale, explaining how the game came…

I am in possession of an early build of DS game Scribblenauts and an imagination. I mixed the two yesterday morning…
For the next hour, if you write a concrete, kid-friendly noun, I will try to test it in Scribblenauts. The DS game…
Scribblenauts, voted Best Game of E3, is set to hit North American shores on Sept. 15, Warner Bros. Interactive…
Scribblenauts hits the U.S. on Sept. 15 - we'll cut to the chase, it's releasing 10 days later in the U.K., which is…
There are over 10,000 nouns you can conjure in Scribblenauts. That's a lot. To help give you an idea of just what's…
Scribblenauts looks awesome. Awesome, that is, if you've got a Nintendo DS. But what if you don't?
5TH Cell's Scribblenauts is an amazing piece of E3 award-winning game design, letting the player summon almost…
The key appeal of DS platformer Scribblenauts lies in your ability to conjure around 10,000 items to aid you in your…
The selection of Scribblenauts as best game of E3 2009 by three major gaming outlets is a milestone for which we can…

This can-you-stump Scribblenauts game is getting even more absurd. Einstein? Got him. The Kraken? Of course. We were…
They're not exactly squeezing Little Big Planet into DS game Scribblenauts, but the potential for some interesting…
The claim behind fall DS puzzle-action title Scribblenauts is that the game will render any kid-safe concrete noun…
The developer behind Lock's Quest and Drawn To Life prepare to draw upon their DS experience to create a new…