Over the weekend, a hacker seemed to prove that there are exactly 22,802 words in Scribblenauts. Not true, the game's creative director told Fast Company.
An online article quotes Jeremiah Slaczka, creative director at game development studio 5th Cell, told the outlet that the the weekend word count report missed some words:
"That was leaked by a hacker who does not know anything. It's more than that," Slaczka said.
Scribblenauts, which will be out tomorrow on the Nintendo DS, offers players a couple of hundred 2D platforming and puzzle challenges, all of which can be solved using objects, people and creatures that the player writes into the game. The game was programmed to recognize and render as many kid-safe, non-trademarked names as possible. Most proper names were excluded as well. No Batman. No Brian Crecente. And no naughty words. But it does have everything from dog to gun to god.
Slaczka confirmed to me at a Scirbblenauts event at the Nintendo World Store on Sunday that the game doesn't have the word dromedary in it, so there is room for improvement. But as to what the real word count is, he didn't reveal it to Fast Company and won't spill the beans yet. I've asked.
[In Scribblenauts, Your Vocabulary Controls the Game - Fast Company.com.]
[PIC via NeoGAF's ShinoguTakeruKoeru]