After years of top-down and isometric views, EA is taking the Monopoly franchise to the streets, transforming it…
Film critic Roger Ebert sometimes uses his powers for evil. But this time he is not.
So, the PS3 is now ready for 3D gaming. But are PS3 games ready? It appears, hrm, maybe, with the first batch of…
At first glance, the PlayStation 3's latest firmware update - which brings the system to v3.30 - seems…
The general public has yet to see the upcoming 3D-glasses-free Nintendo 3DS. It will be playable sometime this…
This June, Sony will be rolling out its range of 3D wares, including its first 3D television the Sony HX803, the…
Samsung viral ad for their 3D TVs, full of silly 3D versions of classic paintings. Imagine if 3D TVs could be half…
For years now, video games have been divided into two categories: 2D and 3D. With the advent of 3D televisions and…
Nintendo is releasing a 3D, glasses-free portable game console called the Nintendo 3DS, to be "enjoyed with 3D…
From Square Enix and the developers Wild Arms comes Chaos Rings, an iPhone game that looks like it could be the…
Shinji Mikami, the game designer behind Resident Evil, has always had a game he's been dying to make.
NVIDIA, a company known for its graphics cards for PCs, today revealed a push for the living room of the future,…
3D is, if the television, film and game industries are to be believed, the future. Whether they're right or not is…
Is Avatar-style Sterescoppic 3D going to be big in video games? A report in Consumer Electronics Daily finds few…
EA Sports boss Peter Moore says he's keeping a close eye on 3D gaming, but while it's a new priority for Sony it's…
Capcom made quite a splash in 2008 when their near reboot of Street Fighter IV combined the depth and detail of 3D…
The Armory, World of Warcraft's number one stalking, tool is now even stalkier, as upgrades introduce 3D character…