Andrew Ryan was a visionary, dreaming of a utopian society where great men and women could live free of the rules…
The beloved but dormant X-COM series, the strategy game franchise created by Mythos and Microprose, is getting a…
The people who make Civilization have given the world CivWorld, a free Facebook version of their legendary strategy…
Gamers who prefer their operating systems designed by Apple will also have a chance to take a bite of Duke Nukem…
Judge a small portion of Duke Nukem Forever for yourself. The game's demo has been widely released on Xbox Live…
If you know the name Jim Redner, there's a good chance you know him for the single Duke Nukem Forever tweet that…
Who cares if Duke Nukem Forever is "good" or not? It is at least as satisfying as a greasy burger, as catchy as a…
At E3, I visited the 2K Games booth every day of the show. Every day I went there, I saw these two guys from High…
The news that 2K's XCOM reboot would handle combat as a first-person shooter sent longtime fans of the PC strategy…
XCOM, The first-person sequel to classic strategy game X-Com, will be released on March 6, 2012, for PC, Xbox 360…
2K Games has released an initial, stand-alone gameplay trailer for The Darkness II, sequel to 2007's…
If I had to summarize Duke Nukem Forever in one picture, it would be at about 1:27 in this here launch trailer.…
The "First Access Club," i.e. those who preordered the game from 2K and Gearbox (or bough the Borderlands GOTY…
Hail to the king baby, 2K Games just released a a Duke Nukem Forever Soundboard for the iPhone and iPad.
Please, don't write off the dazzling BioShock Infinite as simply BioShock in the sky. Yes, it has plasmid-like…
The last time publisher Take-Two talked about Spec Ops: The Line, the sandy, Dubai-based shooter, it was due no…
This is it, ladies and gentlemen. A gold master containing the culmination of fourteen years of game development is…
There's a giant mechanical bird to escape, a young lady to escort, riotous mobs to skirt, rails to clamp to and…
In the runup to the game's release last year, Mafia II's development studio and publicity team tried, with limited…
There's no Duke Nukem Forever footage in this promo clip, but it's stuffed with the kind of crap expected of Duke…