Ever since Epic's Gears of War plucked heartstrings with a cover of Tears for Fears' "Mad World" game creators…
Earlier this week, 2K Games announced that its Canberra, Australia studio was being shifted from helping with…
Spec Ops: The Line isn't just a game with neat sand physics and interplay, it has a lot going for it. Here's a…
Bullets pop out of the sand in front of me. They're going straight up. For a second I'm confused. I look up,…
Spec Ops: The Line is a little bit Heart of Darkness, a little bit Apocalypse Now and a whole lot of shooter…
First they deliver an intricately carved pumpkin to Kotaku HQ, then this painful-looking trailer that showcases…
Today's the day 2K Games delivers the "Hail to the Icons Parody Pack" downloadable content for Duke Nukem Forever,…
With the New York City Comic-Con just a few days away, 2K Games gives fans of the comic book-based The Darkness II…
While The Darkness II doesn't hit store shelves until February 7, preordering now for a free upgrade to the limited…
Earlier this month Kotaku reported, per 2K Sports itself, that the historic teams featured in NBA 2K12's "NBA's…
The Darkness comic book has been around since 1996, but you don't need to worry about fifteen years of continuity…
A "Game of the Year" edition of Sid Meier's Civilization V, featuring six packs and the digital soundtrack, hits…
You thought you saw all there was to see of Borderlands 2 at Gamescom last week? These two fresh shots direct from…
2K Games has just now gotten around to posting its 20-minute E3 demonstration of XCOM; the voice-over script is…
The throwaway guns of the original Borderlands, which numbered in the hundreds of bazillions, were nothing compared…
A Swiss police association is calling for a ban on The Darkness II because the game includes moments of police…
NBA 2K12 will follow last year's extremely popular "Jordan Challenge" by again reaching deep into the game's memory…
The thinning of the fall and winter 2011 video game herd claims a victim today, as 2K Games delays Digital Extremes' …