CultureShop ContestCultureShop Contest'Shop Contest: Switch Lites For EveryoneThe Switch Mini Lite was revealed and it looks sooooo good. I already own a Switch and never play it in portable…ByZack ZwiezenPublishedJuly 14, 2019
CultureSplitscreenCultureSplitscreenFinal Fantasy VII Remake, Avengers, And Other Promising (And Confusing) Games We Saw At E3E3 2019 brought us demos and details about games we can’t wait to play, like Link’s Awakening and the Final Fantasy…ByMaddy MyersPublishedJune 20, 2019
6/6/19Metal Gear Solid Retrospective: 'You Enjoy All The Killing, That's Why'After Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, the titular character went into retirement—both in the series’ fiction and real…ByHeather AlexandraPublishedJune 6, 2019
Reviews3DSReviews3DSPersona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth: The Kotaku ReviewWhen I first started Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth, I was having an absolute blast. That wasn’t surprising,…ByNatalie DegraffinriedPublishedJune 3, 2019
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsPersona Q2 Has Me In An Extremely Fun Feedback LoopPersona Q, a 2014 turn-based role-playing game for the 3DS, put Persona 3 and 4 characters into an extended…ByNatalie DegraffinriedPublishedMay 21, 2019
CultureShop ContestCultureShop Contest'Shop Contest: Star Wars X SonicThe last week has been filled with Sonic images, videos, opinions and more. That trailer was a mess and people have…ByZack ZwiezenPublishedMay 5, 2019
5/3/19Now playing A Throwback Detective Adventure Game Set In A Cyberpunk FutureByPaul TamayoPublishedMay 3, 2019
5/2/19Sea Of Thieves’ New Story Quests Are Just What The Game NeededSea of Thieves’ Anniversary Update is live. The pirate game’s ambitious expansion brings activities from competitive…ByHeather AlexandraPublishedMay 2, 2019
4/26/19Mario And Zelda’s New VR Modes Are Not GoodNintendo just added free updates to Nintendo Switch blockbusters Super Mario Odyssey and The Legend Of Zelda: Breath…ByStephen TotiloPublishedApril 26, 2019
CultureCultureHow Panzer Dragoon Defined The Sega Saturn EraFrom its early days of promise to its heartbreaking failure, the Sega Saturn was a fascinating game machine. If…ByChris KohlerPublishedApril 25, 2019