Some 12,000 years ago, humans chose to domesticate much of the world that surrounds us. This intervention steered…
Connect actors and films through their careers and cast members in under 2 minutes!
Some 12,000 years ago, humans chose to domesticate much of the world that surrounds us. This intervention steered…
Earlier this week we were shown the first glimpse at the new Pokemon games, Sword and Shield. We also got our first…
Crackdown 3 was recently released and the world now has a video game starring Terry Crews. This is a good thing. But…
I played all the way through Kingdom Hearts III. I played it extremely underleveled. I did this because I love a…
Early in Kingdom Hearts III, series primary protagonist Sora returns to his spaceship with his Duck Dad Donald and…
Just a couple decades ago, anime fans would pore over Japanese dictionaries to hand-translate subtitles for their…
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has it all, and whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie coming in blind, “it all” is a…
Deraciné, the first PlayStation VR game from Dark Souls maker From Software, definitely isn’t for everyone. It’s a…
Hello all you bags of Internet horror meat, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only outlaw dating advice column…
You might have heard there’s a new Spider-Man game out today. You might have also heard it’s very good. For those…