David Reeves, president of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, picked an odd place to make his farewell speech:…
Is this the year the PS3 takes the top spot? Or is it next year? While the pundits gaze into their crystal balls,…
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, already a tremendous success in Japan, will be getting a Playstation Portable bundle…
David Reeves is retiring from Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. In his retirement announcement, Reeves stated he…
The press release announcing SCEE boss David Reeves' departure from the company said he was "retiring". But a rumour…
With David Reeves retiring, Sony exec Andrew House will assume the role of President, CEO and Co-Chief Operating…
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe boss David Reeves has announced that he is retiring, having been with the company…
Yes, last night, SCEE boss David Reeves made a silly boxing analogy. But he also said some other stuff. Namely,…
PS3 sales have dipped slightly. Sony as a whole is hurting. But don't go counting Sony out. Sony's a fighter. And…
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe boss David Reeves isn't going to cave. He simply will not tell you when the PlaySt…
Sony are swinging the axe. Jobs must go. And while "headcount reductions" are in store for the games division, Sony…
What are Sony's top brass looking forward to from the PlayStation family in 2009? Console exclusives, naturally. And…
The Wii's cheap and sells a ton. The 360's getting cheaper, and sales are picking up. But the poor old PS3? It's…
SCEE president David Reeves had some interesting words when asked about Sony's future plans on growing their global…
Sony are firing 8000 employees. That's a lot. Some cuts are bound to be made somewhere in the games division, but…
Yes! It's time for this week's instalment of No Plans Watch. So, who doesn't have any plans today? It's Sony's David…
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe boss David Reeves issued a strong "nuh-uh" to his Xbox competition, saying that…
Let's face it, the Nintendo DS is the most successful handheld. Like ever. It's hard for Sony to go against such a…
Ah, exclusivity in the current hardware generation. Let's discuss it again, shall we? Speaking at last week's…
Sony Computer Entertainment of Europe honcho David Reeves is not an easy man to impress. So even when Microsoft…