Ah, exclusivity in the current hardware generation. Let's discuss it again, shall we? Speaking at last week's Leipzig Games Convention, SCEE boss David Reeves said he believes that the days of a platform holder negotiating exclusives with a publisher are long gone.
We have to accept more and more that platform holders themselves cannot have exclusives unless they're given millions and millions of dollars not to develop a particular game for one particular platform. But for developers, and you could take someone like Quantic Dream for example - a great game, it takes a lot of time to develop, they need a little bit of funding, external development. In exchange, it's exclusive - that works. So exclusivity possibly with developers is more likely that exclusivity with publishers.
In other words, don't expect something like Metal Gear Solid 4 to happen ever again. Ever. Sony: Publisher exclusivity probably "a thing of the past" [GI.biz]