Recently, top YouTubers are saying that, yet again, the behemoth video sharing network is fucking them over. This…
Cosmic Contrarian knows how to kill people in Dishonored 2. The evidence is well documented by this point and fun to…
It was surely only a matter of time before Overwatch’s latest hacker hero got spliced into Street Fighter V.
It’s hard to hate Overwatch’s Lucio. No matter how many times he blasts you off a ledge or drops down unexpectedly…
While fans would argue there’s more to the series than endless murder, GTA is still infamous for being violent.…
We’ve all been there: you’re sitting there with your friends in an online match against some random person getting…
Most people have fond memories of the water gun fight from The Last of Us: Left Behind. A nice break from the grim,…
You might remember StealthGamerBR from his murderous tributes to the first Dishonored. The Brazilian YouTuber is…
Disclosures on places like YouTube and Twitch are murky territory, but EA is pushing for increased transparency.
If you’re a Pokémon fan who wants to get to November 18th unspoiled, now would be a great time to unplug from the…
It took 32873 tries for YouTuber Val JP to beat a single Mario Maker level, and his journey to the finish line is…
They say you shouldn’t rush into a new marriage, but screw it. This is the funniest use of speedrunning I’ve seen…
Once a fandom gets big enough, it starts to develop a reputation. In the case of Five Nights at Freddy’s, the…
GTA V is rated M, meaning it is intended for people aged 17 and above. And yet, on YouTube, some people use GTA V to…
On July 29, 2011, a YouTube channel named “Tulpa Effect” uploaded a vlog where a woman named Marissa explained that…
“The Prince of Play” Solon Scott is a YouTuber who plays through visual novels, mostly Japanese dating simulators.…
Early Saturday morning, a Destiny player and YouTuber by the name of ScaRdrow accomplished the nearly unimaginable:…
The Hippocratic Oath requires doctors to commit to a code of ethics about saving, and protecting life. Chief among…
Yesterday, Samsung filed a copyright claim on a viral video of a Grand Theft Auto V mod that turns the notoriously…
Earlier this year, the game YouTuber’s Life made the rounds through, well, YouTube. By the time Pewdiepie played the…