Yesterday, a court dismissed game developer Digital Homicide’s $10 million case against YouTube critic Jim Sterling.…
Pewdiepie has finally responded to the controversy surrounding a Wall Street Journal report that led to the…
While Pewdiepie makes headlines over a “death to all Jews” stunt that backfired, the kicker is that such antics are…
A month after YouTube’s biggest star uploaded a video containing the phrase “Death To All Jews,” the service that…
Maker Studios, a division of Disney, just severed their deal with YouTube megastar Pewdiepie. They pointed to a…
Despite having a taste for horror movies and novels, horror video games freak me the hell out. Still, I was curious…
Pixel art can often feel nostalgic, hearkening back to those bygone days of cathode ray tube monitors and floppy…
Earlier this month, the official PlayStation YouTube account uploaded a trailer for a game called “Life of Black…
YouTuber and Call of Duty team owner Justin ‘KOSDFF’ Chandler recently moved into a home in Cobb County, Georgia…
Yep. That’s good ol’ Mario, alright. Our favorite plumber would never kill us in our sleep.
For months, YouTubers have complained that their view counts are down. New data from the third-party stat tracker…
Ryan of Ryan ToysReview is a five year old YouTube star, playing with toys for an audience of millions. But, as…
Yesterday, YouTube Help published a video countering widespread claims by YouTubers that the platform is screwing…
When YouTube’s biggest star swore that he was going to delete his channel after gaining 50 million subscribers, fans…
UPDATE 12/9 11:47 AM: Just as some predicted, Kjellberg trolled everyone by deleting his secondary channel.
Accusations of bad labor practices are upending the NBA 2K17 YouTube community this week. After freelance video…
As it does every December, Google is in the process of posting some data-filled 2016 recaps. One that’s got our…
Felix Kjellberg is a jokester, and that sense of humor has helped him build the biggest empire on YouTube. But at…
Right Click to Necromance is a free game by Juicy Beast. It is a one year old game jam title that’s finding renewed…