Wracked by a mass shooting partially blamed on games, the government considering a ban on "killerspiele" and…
That will be our story for today, dear readers, how rewarding players for killing 1,000 child characters in Fairytale…
Hooray! Video gamers' average age is that of mine - 35. Less celebrated: gamers are more likely to be unhealthier,…
Let's see if we can predict where this is headed. Two people in Michigan were playing a game when a disagreement…
In Utah last Sunday, young Preston Scarborough took the family sedan for a spin. Instant media sensation, of course.…
You know how in Grand Theft Auto you can drive around swatting pedestrians with an open car door? Yes? No? Doesn't…
The Inky's video games blogger professes his love of "fake realism" but thinks the NVGs being offered with Modern…
An eight-year-old boy's parents are concerned about the violent games enjoyed by their son's friend, who often…
The fun-killing neighborhood scolds at the Eagle Forum filed a brief [pdf] supporting California's violent video…
Video game studies are inherently flawed, according to a writer for a Canadian quarterly, because in most cases…
Surprise, surprise. Of nine "games that went too far" named on a network news website, which is the only one gamers…
Germany's latest demagogue tantrum against "killerspiele" - violent video games - could be shrugged off as hot air,…
Two days from the 10th anniversary of Columbine, Salon's David Sirota writes that "our national discussion about…
News of a game based on TV's "Judge Mathis" is jawdropping for two reasons: First, I mean, we're talking about a…
The Deseret News heaps the last spadeful of dirt on the grave of Utah HB353, saying the state legislature appears…
Last year some researchers at three universities found, of course, that "violent games normalize our children to…
Last October, Stefan Martin-Urban shot up a suburban cul-de-sac, killing two people and then himself. Investigators…
Heini Schmitt (pictured), head of the Hessen German Police Union, spouts ignorance about "killerworlds" and…
Following last week's tragic shooting rampage in Germany that left fifteen dead, German retailer Galeria Kaufhof is…