More details of the shooting linked to video games over in Germany: The shooter was playing Far Cry 2, and…
Over on CNET, a writer dares ask the question, "How far should violent video game ads be kept from schools?" Oh, God…
Boston Mayor Tom Menino has transmogrified from a do-it-for-the-children pol backing unconstitutional laws against…
Britain's top authority on knife crimes is telling his boss — Prime Minister Gordon Brown — to tax violent video…
Calling California's violent video games law "an embarrassment," the L.A. Times says the state shouldn't create…
Although it's some versions are rated T, Call of Duty had some troubling aspects for a father of a 13-year-old who…
More scholarship suggests playing violent video games makes one - get ready to have the song stuck in your head, too…
A prof supplies data showing exposure to violent video games has "no significant relationship" to mass shootings. In…
Oklahoma's no friend to M-rated games. But, still smarting from the defeat of an unconstitutional anti-games law…
Researchers modified Half-Life 2 to study whether violence makes a game more enjoyable for players. The short…
Fresh from the "Study finds violent video games do X to kids" pile, we now find — shock — playing them results in "a…