Switzerland recently passed two acts meant to clamp down on violent video games, but has yet to enact them while the…
An effort to impose fines and even jail time for selling mature games to underage kids has reached Rhode Island's…
Well, here we go again. Rhode Island has a bill in its legislature that provides for up to $1,000 in fines and a…
Age gates on trailers are a delay, not a barrier, a figleaf that does no more to stop kids from seeing violent…
Venezuela's new anti-violent video game law just recently went into effect, an opportunity for those who import or…
In the past year, 70,000 men and women enlisted in the U.S. Army. Sixty-seven times that amount - 4.7 million -…
"Moral Kombat," the 2007 examination of violent video games by the brother of Entertainment Consumers Association…
The AVN Adult Entertainment Expo is the other big show in Vegas this weekend. At a CES 2010 panel debate, porn…
Last night on a very special Family Guy: When Peter loses his memory, he needs to re-learn everything. That includes…
Australia's Classification Review Board will meet on Friday to reconsider its earlier refusal to classify Aliens vs.…
The Federal Trade Commission, in a report to Congress, lauds the video games industry as best among all…
Two Swiss organizations have examined 19 games (including "Metal Gear Soldier 4") for their compliance with/flouting…
No surprise BioShock 2 picked up an M from the ESRB, but that's not to say its newly minted rating certificate isn't…
Australia isn't the only nation receiving a powercleaned version of Left 4 Dead 2. Germany, no doubt because of the k…
Playlogic has released an Achievement/Trophy list for the upcoming Fairytale Fights and that "Kill 1000 Kids" one we…
A study involving Unreal Tournament players, given a cash incentive for winning, found that gamers' testosterone…
Electronic Arts, the retail distributor for Left 4 Dead 2 weighed in against The Australian classification board's…
Trinley Dorje (pictured) is a pretty hip guy. Like many 24-year-olds, he's into popular music and video games. He's…
No teeth-gnashing, just subdued disappointment from Valve when asked for comment on the Australian government's…