Australia's Classification Review Board will meet on Friday to reconsider its earlier refusal to classify Aliens vs. Predator, effectively forbidding it for sale in that country. A news release says Sega asked for the reconsideration.
Aliens vs. Predator got the big thumbs down on Dec. 3, primarily for its depictions of gore and violence. Its developer, Rebellion, has said it will not modify the title in order to receive classification, so this amounts to a big "pretty please?" to Australia from Sega.
The Review Board has invited applications to be considered an "interested party" to the review, but reminds that this review and its reconsideration can only be within the scope of Australia's existing classification regulations. I.e., no one's being invited to complain about creating an R18+ rating category for games, as such an option is for lawmakers, not the review board, to implement.
Aliens vs. Predator: RC Rating to be Reviewed [ via Game Politics]