Look, I'm all for people being really into games. But as with everything in life, there is a line, and naming your…
If you've got the 360 or PS3 versions of Skyrim, you've got a very fine game on your hands. If you've got the PC…

The brothers McElroy, Justin and Griffin of Joystiq, don't just write about video games—they also run the advice…
The problem isn't so much that Skyrim doesn't have enough bears. Lord, no. In fact, sometimes it feels like the game…

Where would the Dragonborn be without his or her faithful steed, carrying them up the steepest mountains, under…

This under-two-minute video shows off a dozen or so beautiful settings in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim sped up to…
Our week-long celebration of stories inspired by players' journeys in the continent of Skyrim continues today, with …
How does Skyrim, one of the biggest single-player RPGs around, stack up against World of Warcraft, the most popular…
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim garnered more than 50 perfect reviews and it looks like it also sold a lot of copies,…
The delightful Zac Gorman shows us the contradiction inherent in playing Skyrim during a Northern Winter.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a big game. Players will want to save their progress along the way. And this is…

The latest Elder Scrolls game hasn't even been out for a week and already hordes of modders are hard at work on…

While it only takes a half hour to run from one end to another, Bethesda has packed an extraordinary world inside S…
Our week-long celebration of the stories The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim hatches in our heads continues today with a…
Dovahkiin. Sounds saucy, but as those eyeball-deep in Skyrim will tell you, it's also the label handed out to the…
Last week we asked The Elder Scrolls fans to send us their stories, tales, poetry, and songs inspired by their…
The gaming community has gone a little Skyrim crazy, but for every fan of The Elder Scrolls there's another that…

Invisibility's been a power in video games for a long, long time. But one Elder Scrolls V player managed to make…

A glitch in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim apparently allows players to earn unlimited gold by picking up copies of Th…