What are those people doing in that brick building in Massachusetts? They're ensuring that the virtual Beatles look…
The list of officially confirmed songs for The Beatles: Rock band grows to twenty-five this morning, as today's…
What differentiates The Beatles: Rock Band from Rock Band games that have come before it? Harmonix and MTV Games are…
While the band broke up decades ago, and half of them are now dead, the remaining Beatles weren't just going to sit…
Microsoft is taking the wireless microphone from their Lips and sending it packing, making its increased game…
The Beatles: Rock Band takes players on a journey throughout the band's career, from Liverpool to Ed Sullivan to…
I didn't get a chance to play it, but here's an excerpt of a bunch of Harmonix folks jamming and melodizing away.
The Beatles: Rock Band has been playable at E3 this week. So, being fans of both The Beatles and Rock Band, we…
Between trailers, teasers and gameplay footage, there's almost enough movie time here to warrant an entire evening's…
New details dropped for The Beatles: Rock Band today at Microsoft's E3 2009 press conference,a partial song list,…
We've already seen two Beatles: Rock Band-themed guitar controllers: John Lennon's Rickenbacker 325 and George…
Harmonix and MTV today announce two new Beatles-themed guitar controllers going on sale when The Beatles: Rock Band…
Looks like the "loose talk" surrounding vocal harmonizing in The Beatles: Rock Band is spot on, according to…
Now that we know what comes in the Limited Edition Premium Bundle for The Beatles: Rock Band, it's time to ask the…
The official announcement of the contents of the Limited Edition Premium Bundle for The Beatles: Rock Band also…
According to the May issue of game mag Game Informer, rumor has it that The Beatles: Rock Band will support vocal…
The Fab Four are coming to Rock Band, and they've got a limited edition bundle to prove it.
The release of The Beatles: Rock Band is going to be a "big deal." We know. But it's going to be a bigger deal than…