Towards the end of inFamous, Cole MacGrath is given a vision of The Beast, an all-powerful world destroyer that…
Towards the end of inFamous, Cole MacGrath is given a vision of The Beast, an all-powerful world destroyer that…
Developer Sucker Punch is giving Infamous 2 beta testers and early access mission designers more time with the…
Giving players the tools needed to create custom missions in a game like inFamous 2 is a wonderful idea, as long…
What exemplifies super-heroes?
Sucker Punch is such a bad movie that it raises the bar for what counts as terrible. That's because there's a…
Sucker Punch, the new movie from director Zack Snyder (Watchmen, 300), opens this weekend. It's a big budget,…
PlayStation 3 owners can get their hands on this summer's Infamous 2 early with the game's newly announced beta.…
Imagine a sprawling open-world game like inFamous 2 for the PlayStation 3, filled with countless user-created…
Nothing changes a man like a pair of female embodiments of order and chaos. Check out the changes Cole undergoes…
Sony and Sucker Punch have made a date in June for the sequel to the hit PlayStation 3 superhero game inFamous,…
The Karma system in the original inFamous gave players a choice between being bad or being good, but for the most…
Infamous 2's Cole will be joined by a pair of lovely lady co-stars in Sucker Punch's PlayStation 3 sequel, two…
A teaser trailer has been discovered in Sly Collection, which hit streets Nov. 10, and it seems rather definite…
After giving the Cole of the original Infamous a sporty makeover, one that was coolly received by fans of the…
Some of those at PAX over the weekend got to see a new gameplay clip of Infamous 2. Since that likely wasn't you,…
Sucker Punch will be at the Penny Arcade Expo this weekend letting people play Playstation 3 exclusive inFamous 2…
Gamescom offered us our first look at the newest game from Sucker Punch, Infamous 2, its new lead character…
Undoing a planned re-design for lead character Cole, Sucker Punch has a new trailer for 2011 PlayStation 3 game…
Cole MacGrath, hero of Infamous and bike messenger, wasn't the best-looking game character in the world. His…
Remember when Cole McGrath debuted his new look on the Game Informer's cover? Never mind! Designers heard the…