I thought I Finished Infamous: Second Son. Turns out there's plenty left.
You've read the review. You've seen the tips. You may have even see us stream this very game live earlier this week,…
Today's the day when the latest installment in Sucker Punch's open-world action/adventure series launches up, up and…
Live-action Infamous: Second Son looks incredibly expensive. Gearing up for the big PlayStation 4 release on March 21, Sony rolls out a short live-action TV spot demonstrating how costly having super powers in real life would be to the American taxpayer.
inFamous: Second Son on the Playstation 4 is not quite the same animal as what we're used to on the PS3. Cole's…
Infamous: Second Son has a new trailer. It's a look at how Seattle was developed and rendered in the PS4 game, due for release on March 21.
Fans of Cole McGrath will be able to find out what happened after Infamous 2. Yay! But the only way to get the Cole’s Legacy DLC is to pre-order the Infamous: Second Son limited or collector’s editions. Boo! Read more
“Meet my friend,” [newscaster points at Kratos’ thigh] “‘God of War!’” Wait, don’t close the player! If you gird…
When Brad Meyer wants to create fire, he doesn't just light a match. He rubs two pieces of charcoal together, then…
Spoilers follow for the ending of Infamous 2.
This Infamous: Second Son video shows off how motion capture is evolving for the PS4. That is a whole lot more dots than we used to see, no?
One of the things that's always a challenge in superhero games is giving the character new powers as they go. Infam…
Once a game comes out, some game developers may go to tropical locations or re-acquaint themselves with families…
In a cutscene for the upcoming downloadable standalone Cole MacGrath adventure, inFamous 2: Festival of Blood, we…
We featured the art of Bjorn Hurri (Total War, Steampunk Star Wars) only a few weeks ago here on Kotaku, but since…
The trend this year in video games, only about a decade late, is to let players repel an attack on New York City.…
I suck at being the bad guy in video games. I always get all invested, and then I'm hardly ever able to commit to…