“Meet my friend,” [newscaster points at Kratos’ thigh] “‘God of War!’” Wait, don’t close the player! If you gird your loins, you’ll see gameplay footage of Infamous: Second Son. And, thank God, the game looks great.
Yes, even when you allow for the fact that this segment is aimed at people who don’t live and breathe video games everyday, this Fox Business spotlight on the PS4 is absolutely dreadful. But it’s worth it to see Second Son running in real-time. Despite the fact that it’s shot off another TV screen, the massive destructibility, snappy animation and Delsin's combat moveset all look impressive. Pro tip: the Infamous playthrough starts at 01:00 and ends at about 04:12 so you don’t need to sit through the whole painful segment.
And, in the name of all that's holy, why is a person in a Ratchet suit just standing there? Ahhh! It moved!