Ever since hearing that Maniac Mansion and Monkey Island maestro Ron Gilbert had moved to Double Fine Productions…
Deathspank is coming to PC later this month, and a little later, to the Mac as well. Oh, and it'll be joined by…
When news hit that Ron Gilbert and Tim Schafer were working together again at the same studio, all thoughts seemed…
Humor in video games can be a brutally serious thing.
Video gaming's best known funny men are back together again under one roof, having a "hell of a lot of fun," making…
If you like laughing and you like loot, if you can catch a Monkey Island reference and know why purple text is a…
What could be more lovely than an afternoon spent frolicking with unicorns in the wilderness with Deathspank and…
Are you perfectly fine with rainbows in your Diablo III? Then you might like the gameplay and lighthearted approach…
The upcoming release of a Monkey Island 2 special edition is special not for the revamped graphics, but for the…
Movies have deleted scenes, everyone knows that. But it's rare we see deleted game scenes, because they're normally…
Monkey Island and Maniac Mansion creator Ron Gilbert was at PAX 2009 to talk about his upcoming action RPG meets…
Behold screenshots and a trailer for Ron Gilbert's DeathSpank, due out 2010-ish for too many platforms to mention.
Wil Wheaton was a hero. Online porn was primitive. His parents got him a computer when he was a kid that had 8K of…
Ron Gilbert's latest game, Deathspank, isn't new. We've know about it for ages. But all this info and screenshots,…
Maniac Mansion and Monkey Island creator Ron Gilbert plans to keynote the sixth annual Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle…
With both a new Monkey Island and a remake of the original on the way, people once again have the classic series on…
In January, Ron Gilbert announced that he'd be teaming with Hothead (Penny Arcade game) to develop an episodic…
Ron Gilbert is probably best known for his work at LucasArts, where he worked on such favorites as Maniac Mansion, T…