Here, via veteran game designer Ron Gilbert, is a detailed look at the budget for the upcoming point-n-click…
Look behind you, a three-headed monkey! No, wait, that’s just Ron Gilbert, here to answer your questions on Kotaku to…
Maniac Mansion and The Secret of Monkey Island creator Ron Gilbert has been quietly releasing some amazing pieces of…
Oh my goodness. OH MY GOODNESS. Ron Gilbert, best known as the creator of Monkey Island and Maniac Mansion, just…
In a lot of ways, Maniac Mansion is where it all began for Lucasarts (or Lucasfilm Games, as it was know back then).…
Yeah, I know, that sounds like the title of the O.J. Simpson book. I realized that after I typed it, but I'm not…
"It will always be Lucasfilm Games(tm) to me, never LucasArts." Monkey Island creator Ron Gilbert writes a eulogy to the studio he helped build.
Ron Gilbert, the developer responsible for classic adventure games like Maniac Mansion and The Secret of Monkey…
Have you ever had a recurring dream? And each time that dream revisits your slumber, some small detail has changed?…
Ron Gilbert's The Cave will be released on January 22nd for PSN & Wii U, and January 23rd for XBLA & Steam. Only a week! Read more
"My name is Guybrush Treepwood. Prepare to die!"
While they might be getting the most attention for their as-yet-unnamed Kickstarter project, Double Fine actually…
Ron Gilbert is a legend in the world of adventure games. He created Maniac Mansion and Monkey Island, touchstones…
Smart games sometimes feel hard to come by. But when you do stumble on a smart game, it's easy to tell how much…
Wait, I'm sorry. I think you just said, "Maniac Mansion and Metroidvania." Did you say that? Or was I just…
If you follow all-around funny guy Ron Gilbert on Twitter, you'll have noticed that the beloved adventure game…
Today, I got a package from Double Fine promising details on the legendary Ron Gilbert's new adventure game. But… I…
Surely you all know about Tim Schafer's incredible Double Fine kickstarter adventure, which has now raised $2.1…
Wow. Good job, internet! Despite the fact the project was announced less than 24 hours ago, Double Fine's…