When The Beatles come to Rock Band it may not be as different an experience as many had hoped, but what it lacks in…
Consider this. R.E.M.'s "Losing My Religion" is coming to Rock Band and Rock Band 2 as downloadable content,…
Warner Music are just spoiling for a fight! Having had a public falling-out with Guitar Hero publishers Activision…
I love it when the ESRB rates music games, because it means someone, somewhere, is marking down every "damn" "ass"…
Harmonix didn't specify why "New" was finally being released outside of the previous batch of No Doubt downloadable…
Currently, EA help with distribution for MTV's Rock Band. But could they be planning their own entry in the…
Next week's downloadable content has been a long time coming, but Stevie Ray Vaughn's classic 1983 blues album Texas…
You see, after a video clip appeared on YouTube showing some Nebraska Library Commission employees engaged in a spot…
The Wii version of Rock Band 2 continues to close the downloadable content gap with its high-definition siblings,…
Next week's batch of fine downloadables for Rock Band and Rock Band 2 go a little bit country. Don't worry, this is…
The Starlight Foundation has been using gaming as part of their charity operation for years — but it looks like…
Starting in March Harrah's many casinos will have, along with the scantily-clad cocktail waitresses, gambling…
Wii Rock Band owners get a healthy does of angsty mumbling today, as seven old tracks from grunge pioneers Nirvana…
Mad Cats ended 2008, and their third quarter, with $40.8 million in net sales, and $10.5 million in profit. While…
While it's been overshadowed at retail by Activision marketing juggernaut and Guitar Hero's brand recognition, that…
Rock Band developer Harmonix is turning the legal tables on Konami, slapping the publisher-developer with a lawsuit…
From the early days in Liverpool to psychedelia of Magical Mystery Tour and beyond, the Harmonix-developed Beatles…
Grammy-Award nominated rapper and man-about-Hollywood Snoop Dogg just landed a new MTV-aired variety with benefits.
We just got sent this in tips by Tiago Martins, who created Headbang Hero along with Andreas Zingerle and Ricardo…
Ed B. has had a helluva two weeks. First he got married, and his bride gave him that Rock Band drum cake. Then Best…