The superstar offers his pearls of wisdom in the latest issue issue of Wired. He touches on really important stuff.…
MTV Games has accomplished what we once thought impossible, releasing a single, catch-all notification about…
Further blurring the lines between just where music games sit in the video gaming industry, the British Official…
One console future? No console future? Rock Band developer Harmonix looks into its crystal disco ball and sees...
Two new lists today: the hours logged by Wii users in each Wii Sonic game. And another showing play times for Rock…
Scott Guthrie, former executive vice president of publishing THQ, was named MTV Games new executive vice president…
Ever wonder how many Americans played a music game during the month of April? Well, we can tell you. 25 million…
While the band broke up decades ago, and half of them are now dead, the remaining Beatles weren't just going to sit…
During a press conference promoting the documentary It Might Get Loud, legendary Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page…
Just when you thought you had all of the Eddie "Crazyeyes" Vedder you needed with the full album release of Ten,…
As expected, Harmonix has delivered the details on next week's initial Warped Tour track pack, with tracks from…
You've seen Logitech's $200 guitar for the PS2 & PS3. It is not kidding around. Now see the 360 version, which…
The latest newsletter for the 2009 Warped Tour urges fans to be on the lookout for two new track packs for Rock Band
Faux rockers Spinal Tap are releasing Back From The Dead on June 16th and Harmonix is on point, with three songs…
GameStop is slashing prices on Rock Band, Rock Band 2, Guitar Hero World Tour, Guitar Hero Aerosmith and more,…
During Kevin and Bean's Breakfast with Green Day this morning on KROQ 106.7 FM, the band confirmed that they'll be…
The problem with this game is all in the name. LEGO Rock Band makes you wonder "why LEGO?" Maybe "Rock Band: Play…
Between the two main games, there are a lot of Rock Band songs. Between them and the add-on discs there's more.…